Thursday, July 2, 2009

Welcome to my cozy lair....

So I'm devoting a blog to books, maybe some authors, and to book reviews. I'll review books that charm me, that enthrall me, and even books I throw across the room in disgust. There are a few authors I will probably never review: I'm not into James Patterson, Steven King, Nora Roberts, pap for the people...

But lets talk about Ms Nora Roberts for a moment. I read, last week, in the New Yorker, an article about her. Here's a link to the abstract of the article, if you want to read the full thing, you have to subscribe.

The article started out basically comparing NR to some of the greatest authors in the English Language. Apparently more women find her words memorable than they do the words in Wuthering Heights, or other works of great literature. To me, that says something about the quality of literature out there today. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Ms Roberts works incredibly hard, she certainly churns the books out. They are popular, yes. Quality literature? No. I couldn't even finish the article lauding the praises of Nora Roberts, saint in training.

This blog aims to bring you good literature. Good books. Intelligently written books, of many genres. I read a lot, I read a variety. I'll even review some of the classics as well as new books, new authors. Yes, this blog has a bias... my own. My tastes.

What do I read? Almost everything. I don't read political books or self-help. I don't read 'What's wrong with America' books.

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