Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ah, Literatchooor.

Why, hello!  Yes, I have been reading, but I apologize for my absence.    Things have been just a tad bit busy these days.  I got a promotion, which involves outreach.  Outreach is when you get books for people who are homebound or cannot get to the library in some way...

So I have quite a cast of characters:

There's the old lady who calls the day before pickup, and even though the authors you sent last time are on her favorites, she can't get into the books.  And even though the one you are sending her is one she requested, she isn't interested in that one anymore.

There's the gentleman who likes only American male authors, with male protagonists and lots of blood.   I suspect if it is female blood, even better.  (The guy does not like women, he doesn't like authors with foreign names....)

Then there is the lady who likes black Christian fiction on audio CDs.   In CT, in FARMINGTON? that is hard to find.  

Large-print "good stories" with no sex or cussing?  those are tough to find too...   Jeanette Oke is a decent author, but we only seem to have three books by each "good" author in the Large Print....

I've got a couple good ones that are fun to find books for...and so far haven't heard any complaints (or praise), there's one who doesn't like "Women's Books" but seems to read quite a range... and one who likes a variety...  

What would I be like as an old lady in one of these programs?

I think I'd be eclectic.   The same way I am now.  I'm reading book two of Patrick Rothfuss's series, just finished The Rook, (a marvelous supernatural spy story, which I immediately wanted to reread).  I'm reading an anthology on the first year of marriage (sorry Mom, don't get your hopes up...I'm going to die an old maid...I feel like I should dress up as Miss Havisham for Halloween).   I'm reading Bill Bryson's At Home, which is interesting, but seems to skate over things a little lightly for my taste...  but in some ways I'm very scholarly, somehow...

Basically I tend to have at least one sci-fi/fantasy, one biography, one nonfiction (if I can find something good) and one general fiction (probably "foreign") going on.  Usually its at least three books at once (in different parts of the house)

So, what have you read that is interesting? Share in the comments! (or if you have suggestions for authors for my outreach people)